Please read and complete the following form

Travel Agreement and Release for
St. Croix, USVI – The Juliet

February 17 – 23, 2023

Applicant acknowledges that his acceptance on this trip is predicated on his assurance that he is physically fit to engage in ocean SCUBA diving and that he fully understands the risks involved and is prepared to assume such risks. Further, the participant represents that any equipment which he provides for himself meets current safety standards for equipment and that said equipment has been recently inspected by an agency or dive shop certified to do such inspections. If the participant rents or borrows equipment from Easy Divers he acknowledges that the equipment is in good working condition and that he has examined the equipment to insure that it is free from defects. The participant also understands that Easy Divers and its employees, owners, officers, or agents, shall not be held liable or responsible in any way for any result of the rental and/or use of the equipment, or as a result of product defect, or the negligence of any party, including the Released Parties, whether passive or active. Easy Divers reserves the right to deny any applicant for any reason whatsoever.

It is expressly understood and agreed that Easy Divers acts only as an agent for the owners and operators of various accommodations, facilities, services and carriers and assumes no responsibility for liability for service, transportation, or equipment made available by any resort, hotel, or other person or entity, either as to its safety, quality or condition, for the acts or any employee or agent of such establishment, firm, person, or entity. It is also understood and agreed that Easy Divers does not, by acceptance of this applicant, assume any responsibility or liability for the safety of any participating individual, particularly while such individual is engaged in underwater activities, whether alone or in groups, under the supervision of tour escort, or otherwise.

The tour escort is a certified diving professional, and will give freely of his diving knowledge and the experience. The participant accepts full responsibility for his own safety at all times, when acting independently or under the supervision of an Easy Diver Staff member. A course of SCUBA instruction cannot be offered or inferred as being part of the trip. Fees for any SCUBA training and SCUBA continuing education classes are to be separate from the price at which the trip is offered and conducted.

The undersigned further agrees that in order to induce Easy Divers to accept the applicant as a member of such program, the applicant does release and absolve Easy Divers and the owner, employees, and staff from any and all liability for property loss or damage, and/or from any and all damages resulting from death or personal injuries, including loss of services, which we or either of us may sustain on account of, arising out of, or in connection with the said program or from ownership, maintenance, use, operation or control of any automobile, ship, airplane, bicycle, boat, vehicle, inn, hotel, common carrier or otherwise.

It is further understood that remoteness of the area, local custom and prevailing weather conditions may cause substitution of facilities and/or equipment, minor inconvenience or modification to the diving portions of the program itinerary and Easy Divers reserves the right to modify and/or cancel arrangements due to unfavorable weather conditions and to substitute comparable facilities and equipment. No refunds can be made for cancelled trip or diving arrangements due to adverse weather, or for substitutions of facilities and/or equipment or minor inconvenience.

Easy Divers and Saralynn H Turner DBA The Travel Planner, Inc. cannot prevent any traveler from becoming exposed to, contracting, or spreading COVID-19. It is not possible to prevent against the presence of the disease. By signing this Travel Agreement and Release I accept all the risks presented by possible exposure to COVID-19.  I forever release and waive my right to bring suit against Easy Divers and Saralynn H Turner DBA, The Travel Planner Inc. for any claims including personal injuries, death, disease, or any other loss, including but not limited to claims of negligence and give up my claim to seek damages, whether known or unknown, foreseen or unforeseen.

I understand it is my personal responsibility to be informed of this travel destinations COVID entry and exit requirements and to follow required protocols.  I accept that any losses as a result of my failure to prepare properly or follow required protocols is NOT the responsibility of Easy Divers or Saralynn H Turner, DBA The Travel Planner, Inc and I waive my right to claim any type of financial remuneration or damages for said failure.

This application form signed by applicant is in all respects subject to the terms and conditions above, which have been read and unconditionally agreed to. I further agree to observe strictly and comply with such additional reasonable terms and regulations as Easy Divers may from time to time deem desirable or needful or prescribe during the course of the program.

All cancellations must be made by email to Easy Divers at and are effective the date received. Trip deposits are not refundable. Cancellation less than 120 days prior to the departure will result in forfeiture of deposit, plus a $200 cancellation fee. Cancellations less than 60 days prior to departure will result in forfeiture of all monies paid. CANCELLATION INSURANCE IS AVAILABLE at Under the “Get A Quote” box please enter Location Number: 42-0002, complete the remaining information in order to compare coverages and select your policy.

Easy Divers reserves the right to cancel and rebook any travel reservation for air, resort, or other destination if past due balances become more than 30 days late. Deposits and payments received prior to this cancellation for non-payment will be forfeited.

I understand that I will need a passport for this travel and that the expiration date must be at least six months past the last day of travel. I will provide Easy Divers with a copy of the information page of my passport with this application.

Easy Divers highly recommends trip Cancellation/Interruption and Emergency Assistance insurance for your protection. You are a valued client and we want to do everything possible to make your trip more enjoyable and worry free. The unforeseen and the unexpected can occur before you leave or when you are away from home. Please note: if you are forced to cancel your trip (see the deadlines above) you may forfeit your entire trip fee.

To purchase travel insurance, please go to and use the Location #42-0002. Leave the agent code blank. Insurance cost is based on age of traveler and cost of trip. By including your airfare and land package you will be covered from the moment you leave your house until you return. Please carefully review the Restrictions of Coverage and the Description of Benefits before you select and purchase your policy.

Remember that diving and smoking/vaping/chewing tobacco do not mix. We are a no tobacco product group. Under no circumstances will there be tobacco or vaping, at the dive site or group accommodation areas.

Please read and affirm all of the following by clicking the checkbox next to each policy:

I fully understand the Restrictions and Description of Benefits as outlined on my policy. I understand that if I must cancel my trip for reasons not included in my policy that I will forfeit all monies paid and that I will not seek to recover any monies paid to Easy Divers.

Personal Information

Passport Details (for international travel only)

Please upload a copy of your passport (25MB Max).

Traveler Details

Emergency Contact Information

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